Ctv - NCSM Bugged Building

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Revision as of 20:14, 29 February 2024 by Joao84704 (talk | contribs)
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Ctv - NCSM Bugged Building is a 180-floor building located in Centerville and was created by joao84704. There are a total of 30 elevators in the building. The elevators have a few quirks in them because of elevator doors not showing up in some of the upper floors of the building because of a bug in Skyscrapersim Building Creator Reloaded. It’s a building made to only show a bug on the NCSM Creator. Other joao84704’s buildings also show the same thong (April Tower and October Tower).


  • -20 to -1 - Lower Levels
  • 0 - Ground Floor, Lobby
  • 1-179 - Offices
  • 180 - Roof

See also