Messeturm Frankfurt

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Revision as of 10:21, 11 March 2024 by Elevator1512 (talk | contribs)
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This article is legitimate.
It contains good-faith information, such as an existing building or content.

Messeturm Frankfurt is a 64-storey building created by Lighthouse Friesland / Aufzugskanal with Skyscrapersim Building Creator Reloaded, But it's modified (also added signs). It is loosely based on a skyscraper with the same name in Frankfurt, Germany.

This building needs to be replaced with a new one because the old one has the floor plan that is loosely based.

Download link is here. (Now outdated. Please consider downloading LF Integration Project for the building and it's custom data.)


  • U2-U1 - Basements
  • EG - Ground Floor / Lobby
  • 1-8 - Mechanical
  • 9 - Zone 1 Offices
  • 10-13 - Mechanical
  • 14-20 - Zone 1 Offices
  • 21 - Mechanical
  • 22-29 - Zone 2 Offices
  • 30-37 - Mechanical
  • 38-44 - Zone 3 Offices
  • 45-46 - Mechanical
  • 47-50 - Zone 4 Offices
  • 51-56 - Mechanical
  • 57 - Zone 4 Offices
  • 58-64 - Mechanical
  • 65-67 - Pointed Roof


See also

External links