Line Hospital (V1)

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For the planned building with the same name, please go to this page.

Line Hospital V1 is a building complex that was made by elevator1512. There are a total of 8 separate building files and 37 buildings in the complex.


File 1

Building 1

Floors Usage
T3-T1 Storage Rooms
L2 Lower Ground Section 2
M Maintenance Level
L1 Lower Ground Section 1
LG Ground Floor
UG Upper Ground Floor
1-19 Patient Rooms
20 Lower Footbridge
21-29 Patient Rooms
30 Upper Footbridge
31-32 Patient Rooms
33-34 Mechanical
R Rooftop

Building 2

Floors Usage
SB Sub-Basement
B Basement
T3-T1 Storage Rooms
L2 Lower Ground Section 2
M Maintenance Level
L1 Lower Ground Section 1
LG Ground Floor
UG Upper Ground Floor
1-24 Patient Rooms
25 Lower Footbridge
26-29 Offices
30 Upper Footbridge
31 Mechanical
32 Rooftop

Building 3

Floors Usage
SB Subterranean Basement
B Basement
T3-T1 Storage Rooms
L2 Lower Ground Section 2
M Maintenance Level
L1 Lower Ground Section 1
LG Ground Floor
UG Upper Ground Floor
1-19 Patient Rooms
20 Lower Footbridge
21-24 Patient Rooms
25 Upper Footbridge
26 Mechanical
27 Rooftop

Building 4

Floors Usage
SB Subterranean Basement
B Basement
T3-T1 Storage Rooms
L2 Lower Ground Section 2
M Maintenance Level
L1 Lower Ground Section 1
LG Ground Floor
UG Upper Ground Floor
1-6 Critical Care Units
7-19 Regular Units
20 Footbridge
21-22 Mechanical
23 Rooftop

Communications Building (Building 5)

Floors Usage
T2-T1 Storage Rooms
L2 Generator for Building 1
M Tunnel to Buildings 1-4
L1 Generator for Buildings 2 and 3
LG Communications
UG Communications
1-4 Communications
5 Rooftop

File 2

Building 6

Floors Usage
B3 Lower Basement
M Basement Mezzanine
B2 Middle Basement
B1 Upper Basement
1 Lobby
1A Atrium
2-8 Patient Rooms
9 Mechanical
10 Rooftop

Building 7

Floors Usage
B5 Generator Room
B4 Lower Basement
B3 Mezzanine
M Basement Mezzanine
B2 Middle Basement
B1 Upper Basement
1 Lobby
1A Atrium
2-9 Offices
10 Footbridge
11-12 Upper Offices
13 Mechanical
14 Rooftop

Building 8

Floors Usage
B3-B1 Underground Crosswalk
1 Lobby
1A Atrium
2-9 Lower Patient Rooms
10 Lower Footbridge
11 Lower Mechanical
12-19 Middle Patient Rooms
20 Upper Footbridge
21-31 Upper Patient Rooms
32-33 Mechanical
H Heliport Level

Building 9

Floors Usage
SB Sub-Basement
SM Sub-Basement Mezzanine
B4 Storage Area
B3 Lower Basement
M Basement Mezzanine
B2 Middle Basement
B1 Upper Basement
1 Lobby
1A Atrium
2 Emergency Room
3-5 Extended Stay Patient Rooms
6-9 Lower Patient Rooms
10 Lower Footbridge
11-19 Upper Patient Rooms
20 Upper Footbridge
21-24 Offices
25-26 Mechanical
27 Roof

Building 10

Floors Usage
B3 Lower Basement
M Basement Mezzanine
B2 Middle Basement
B1 Upper Basement
1 Lobby
1A Atrium
2-9 Lower Patient Rooms
10 Lower Footbridge
11-18 Upper Patient Rooms
19 Mechanical
20 Upper Footbridge
21 Roof

Communications Building (Building 11)

Floors Usage
B3 Lower Basement
M Basement Mezzanine
B2 Middle Basement
B1 Upper Basement
1 Exit and Storage
1A Storage
2-3 Storage
4 Rooftop

File 3

Building 12

  • S2-S1 - Sub-Basement Level
  • B5-B4 - Lower Basement Floor
  • B3 - Basement Tunnel Section
  • B2-B1 - Upper Basement Floors
  • 1 - Main Entrance
  • 2-4 - Critical Care Patient Rooms
  • M - Lower Crosswalk
  • 5-9 - Lower Patient Rooms
  • 10 - Main Crosswalk
  • 11 - Lower Mechanical
  • 12-18 - Upper Patient Rooms
  • 19 - Upper Mechanical
  • 20 - Upper Crosswalk
  • 21-27 - Hospital Offices
  • H - Heliport Area

Building 13

  • B4 - Tunnel to Building 9
  • B3 - Tunnel to Buildings 12 and 13
  • B2 - Lower Basement
  • B1 - Upper Basement
  • 1 - Main Entrance
  • 2-4 - Offices
  • M - Mezzanine Footbridge
  • 5-6 - Offices
  • 7 - Roof

Building 14

  • S1 - Lower Subterranean Basement
  • B5 - Upper Subterranean Basement
  • B4 - Basement Tunnel
  • B3 - Lower Basement
  • B2 - Middle Basement
  • B1 - Upper Basement
  • 1 - Main Entrance
  • 2-4 - Patient Rooms
  • M - Mezzanine Footbridge
  • 5 - Mechanical
  • 6-9 - Patient Rooms
  • 10 - Main Footbridge
  • 11-12 - Patient Rooms
  • 13 - Mechanical
  • 14 - Roof

Building 15

  • B4 - Storage Level
  • B3 - Basement Tunnel
  • B2 - Lower Basement
  • B1 - Upper Basement
  • 1 - Main Entrance
  • 2-4 - Critical Care Patient Rooms
  • M - Mezzanine Footbridge
  • 5-8 - Patient Rooms
  • 9 - Mechanical
  • 10-19 - Patient Rooms
  • 20 - Footbridge
  • 21 - Patient Rooms
  • 22 - Mechanical
  • 23 - Roof

Communications Building (Building 16)

  • B3 - Lower Basement
  • B2 - Middle Basement
  • B1 - Upper Basement
  • 1 - Lobby
  • 2-4 - Storage
  • M - Storage

File 4

Building 17

  • B3 - Lower Lounge
  • B2 - Storage Room
  • B1 - Basement Tunnel
  • 1 - Main Entrance
  • 2 - Hospital Reception
  • 3-6 - Lower Patient Rooms
  • M - Crosswalk
  • 7-9 - Upper Patient Rooms
  • 10 - Mechanical
  • 11 - Roof

Building 18

  • B2 - Storage Room
  • B1 - Basement Level
  • 1 - Main Entrance
  • 2-6 - Offices
  • M - Lower Crosswalk
  • 7-12 - Offices
  • 13 - Mechanical
  • 14-16 - Executive Offices
  • 17 - Upper Crosswalk
  • 18-24 - Patient Rooms

Building 19

  • B3 - Lower Basement
  • B2 - Storage Room
  • B1 - Main Basement
  • 1 - Main Entrance
  • 2-6 - Patient Rooms
  • M - Footbridge
  • 7-12 - Patient Rooms
  • 13 - Mechanical
  • 14-16 - Patient Rooms
  • 17 - Podium
  • 18-28 - Offices
  • R - Roof

File 5

Building 20

  • B6 - Lower Subterranean Basement
  • B5 - Lower Basement
  • B4 - Upper Subterranean Basement
  • B3 - Basement Tunnel
  • B2 - Middle Basement
  • B1 - Upper Basement
  • 1 - Main Lobby
  • 2-8 - Patient Rooms
  • 9 - Mechanical
  • 10 - Lower Offices
  • P - Office Podium Level
  • 11-18 - Upper Offices
  • M - Mechanical
  • R - Roof

Building 21

  • B4 - Subterranean Basement
  • B3 - Basement Tunnel
  • B2 - Lower Basement
  • B1 - Upper Basement
  • 1 - Main Lobby
  • 2-6 - Offices
  • 7 - Mechanical
  • 8-10 - Lower Patient Rooms
  • P - Podium Level
  • 11-13 - Patient Rooms
  • 14 - Mechanical
  • R - Roof

File 6

Building 22

  • B4-B1 - Basement
  • G - Lobby
  • 1-6 - Patient Rooms
  • 7 - Footbridge
  • 8 - Patient Rooms
  • 9 - Mechanical
  • 10-15 - Patient Rooms
  • 16 - Mechanical
  • 17 - Footbridge
  • 18-26 - Patient Rooms
  • 27 - Footbridge
  • 28 - Patient Rooms
  • 29 - Mechanical
  • 30-36 - Patient Rooms
  • 37 - Roof

Building 23

  • B7-B1 - Basement
  • G - Ground Floor
  • 1 - Special Care Patient Rooms
  • 2 - Mechanical
  • 3-6 - Special Care Patient Rooms
  • 7 - Footbridge
  • 8-16 - Patient Rooms
  • 17 - Footbridge
  • 18-20 - Patient Rooms
  • 21 - Mechanical
  • 22 - Service?
  • 23-26 - Offices
  • 27 - Footbridge
  • 28-41 - Offices
  • 42 - Mechanical
  • 43-44 - Offices
  • R - Roof

Building 24

  • B6-B1 - Basement
  • G - Ground Floor
  • 1-6 - Offices
  • 7 - Footbridge
  • 8-16 - Offices
  • 17 - Footbridge
  • 18 - Offices
  • 19 - Mechanical
  • 20 - Roof

Building 25

  • B2-B1 - Basement
  • G - Ground Floor
  • 1-6 - Offices
  • 7 - Podium
  • 8-13 - Offices
  • 14 - Mechanical
  • 15 - Roof

Building 26

  • B3-B1 - Basement
  • G - Ground Floor
  • 1-6 - Offices
  • 7 - Footbridge
  • 8-10 - Offices
  • 11 - Mechanical
  • 12-16 - Offices
  • 17 - Footbridge
  • 18 - Roof

Building 27

  • B7 - Service Basement
  • B6 - Tunnel to Building 24
  • B5-B1 - Basement
  • G - Ground Floor
  • 1-5 - Special Patient Rooms
  • 6 - Mechanical
  • 7 - Footbridge
  • 8 - Special Patient Rooms
  • 9 - Roof

Building 28

  • B2-B1 - Basement
  • G - Ground Floor
  • 1-3 - Offices
  • 4 - Mechanical
  • 5-6 - Offices
  • 7 - Footbridge
  • 8-16 - Offices
  • 17 - Footbridge
  • 18-24 - Offices
  • 25 - Mechanical
  • 26 - Offices
  • 27 - Footbridge / Roof

Building 29 (Service Building)

  • 1 (B6) - Tunnel
  • 2-3 (B2-B1) - Basement and Tunnel Connector to Building 28
  • 4 (0) - Ground Floor
  • 5-10 (1-6) - Communications
  • 11 (7) - Footbridge to Building 28
  • 12 (8) - Communications Topside

File 7

Building 30

  • SB (B7) - Sub-Basement
  • B2-B1 (B6-B5) - Basement Levels
  • 1 (B4) - Lower Level 2
  • 1R (B3) - Tunnel to Other Buildings
  • 2 (B2) - Lower Level 1
  • 2R (B1) - Storage
  • L (0) - Lobby
  • 3 (1) - Mezzanine
  • 4-12 (2-10) - Patient Rooms
  • 14-19 (11-16) - Patient Rooms
  • PH (17) - Penthouse
  • R (18) - Roof

Building 31

  • SB - Sub-Basement
  • B6-B5 - Storage
  • B4 - Lower Level 2
  • B3 - Tunnel to Other Buildings
  • B2 - Storage
  • B1 - Lower Level 1
  • L - Lobby
  • M - Mezzanine
  • 2-9 - Offices
  • 10 - Mechanical
  • 11 - Roof

Building 32

  • LL3 - Storage
  • T - Tunnel to Other Buildings
  • LL2-LL1 - Lower Levels
  • 1 (0) - Lobby
  • 2-12 - Offices
  • 14 - Mechanical
  • 15 - Roof

Building 33

  • LL3 (-6) - Lower Level 3
  • L3M (-5) - Storage
  • LL2 (-4) - Lower Level 2
  • L2M (-3) - Tunnel to Other Buildings
  • LL1 (-2) - Lower Level 1
  • L1M (-1) - Storage
  • 1 (0) - Lobby
  • 1M (1) - Lobby Mezzanine
  • 2 - Lower Patient Rooms
  • 2M (3) - Lower Mezzanine
  • 3 (4) - Middle Patient Rooms
  • 3M (5) - Upper Mezzanine
  • 4 (6) - Upper Patient Rooms
  • 4M (7) - Mechanical
  • 5 (8) - Roof

File 8

Building 34

  • B8 - Service Basement
  • B7-B6 - Unknown
  • B5 - Lower Tunnel Level
  • B4-B3 - Unknown
  • B2 - Upper Tunnel Level
  • B1 - Mechanical
  • 1 - Lobby
  • M - Mezzanine
  • 2 - Mechanical
  • 3-8 - Patient Rooms
  • 9 - Lower Footbridge
  • 10-20 - Patient Rooms
  • 21 - Upper Footbridge
  • 22-25 - Patient Rooms
  • 26 - Mechanical
  • 27-39 - Patient Rooms
  • R - Roof

Building 35

  • B8 - Service Basement
  • B7-B6 - Express Zone
  • B5 - Lower Tunnel Level
  • B4-B3 - Unknown
  • B2 - Upper Tunnel Level
  • B1 - Unknown
  • 1 - Lobby
  • M - Mezzanine
  • 2-8 - Offices
  • 9 - Lower Footbridge
  • 10-18 - Offices
  • 19 - Mechanical
  • 20 - Offices
  • 21 - Upper Footbridge
  • 22-24 - Offices
  • R - Roof

Building 36

  • B8 - Service Basement
  • B7-B6 - Unknown
  • B5 - Lower Tunnel Level
  • B4 - Mechanical
  • B3 - Unknown
  • B2 - Upper Tunnel Level
  • B1 - Mechanical
  • 1 - Lobby
  • M - Mezzanine
  • 2 - Mechanical
  • 3-8 - Offices
  • 9 - Lower Footbridge
  • 10 - Mechanical
  • 11-14 - Offices
  • R - Roof

Building 37

  • B8 - Service Basement
  • B7-B4 - Express Zone
  • B3 - Mechanical
  • B2 - Upper Tunnel Level
  • B1 - Unknown
  • 1 - Lobby
  • M - Mezzanine
  • 2-8 - Patient Rooms
  • 9 - Lower Footbridge
  • 10-13 - Patient Rooms
  • 14 - Mechanical
  • 15-20 - Patient Rooms
  • 21 - Upper Footbridge
  • R - Roof

See also