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ObjectPlus is a script made by EG881 as a part of EG881 Integration Project Build 10. There are several functions available such as drawing, creating different lines, as well as escalators. Most of this was last updated by EG881 on January 16, 2017, and hasn't been updated since then.

NOTE: This list below is still a work in progress and was originally made by EG881, so all credit goes to EG881.

Control Functions

OP_Draw – the specialized ObjectPlus equivalent of DrawWalls, this function sets which components or sides of an object are drawn. Generally, OP_Draw will follow the conventions used for DrawWalls.
Syntax: OP_Draw(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6)
Each of these parameters can be either true to enable the side/component or false to disable the side/component. All of these are initially set to true at startup, but if any are set to false it will apply to all subsequent functions in your building script until reset back to true when OP_Draw is called again.
Each function in this guide lists which component or side the OP_Draw parameters will affect. Some functions will not use all six parameters.

Standard Shapes

  • OP_Line – creates a floor using two points each with x, y, z, and width values drawn perpendicular to the line created by the two points. This is essentially an angled AddFloor.
    Syntax: OP_Line(destobject, name, texture, aligntexturemap, x1, y1, z1, w1, x2, y2, z2, w2)
  • OP_Draw
    This function does not use OP_Draw.
    destobject specifies the destination object (floor, external, buildings, landscape, or elevator). name is the name of the object. texture is the texture of the object. aligntexturemap currently does nothing. x1, y1, and z1 correspond to the x, y, and z coordinates of the first point. w1 is the width of the floor at the first point. Likewise, x2, y2, z2, and w2 correspond to the x, y, z, and width values at the second point.

Todo List

  • Prism function
  • Arc function
  • Add Tree function from SROC as a possible expansion
  • Add Sphere function, with starting and ending angles from the +x and +y axis, detail level

See also