Gooper City

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Revision as of 10:29, 4 August 2024 by Elevator1512 (talk | contribs)
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Gooper City is Gooper1's fictional city. Gooper Tower and its sequels are located here. It is part of the Four Cities metropolitan area. This city is connected to the Westlife Highway, which is carried by the Central Freeway, and the Westlife Walkway, which runs along Centre St. The main streets of Gooper City are Gooper St. (north-south) and Centre St. (east-west).

About Gooper City

  • Population: 50,000,000
  • Founded: 2011
  • Mayor: gooper1
  • Main Streets
    • East-West: Centre St.
    • North-South: Gooper St.
  • Public Transportation
    • Gooper City Metro - Gooper City's subway system
    • Westlife Highway - carried by the Central Freeway in Gooper City
    • Westlife Walkway - carried by Centre St. in Gooper City

See also