Messeturm Frankfurt

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Messeturm Frankfurt is a 64-storey building created by Lighthouse_Friesland / Aufzugskanal with Skyscrapersim Building Creator Reloaded, But it's modified (also added signs). It is based off of a skyscraper with the same name in Frankfurt, Germany.


  • U2-U1 - Basements
  • EG - Ground Floor / Lobby
  • 1-8 - Mechanical
  • 9 - Zone 1 Offices
  • 10-13 - Mechanical
  • 14-20 - Zone 1 Offices
  • 21 - Mechanical
  • 22-29 - Zone 2 Offices
  • 30-37 - Mechanical
  • 38-44 - Zone 3 Offices
  • 45-46 - Mechanical
  • 47-50 - Zone 4 Offices
  • 51-56 - Mechanical
  • 57 - Zone 4 Offices
  • 58-64 - Mechanical
  • 65-67 - Pointed Roof

See also

Download link is here.