User:Lighthouse Friesland

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I have many buildings made with Skyscrapersim Building Creator Reloaded.

I'm playing Skyscrapersim since one year.

Location : Bremen, Germany

I have my building creator called Lighthouse_Friesland's Skyscrapersim Building Creator, so you can create your own buildings without having to learn Skyscrapersim's own scripting language.

My fav skyscrapersim buildings

My fav skyscrapersim lifts

  • The innerdoorless lift in Veranda Plaza newlifts; Reason: Vintage elevator without innerdoors! I love this oldie!
  • The lifts in the Twin Towers - Realistic Version; Reason: The lifts have Otis Lexan fixtures
  • The glass lift in My Observation Tower; Reason: This panorama elevator is very nice
  • The glass lift in Coalham Townhall; Reason: It's made full of glass

Playing skyscrapersim every day ... Sub to my yt channel. My yt channel

I have made some non-fictional buildings. Building names below