Alicante-Elche Airport V2
For the first version of Alicante Airport, please go here.
Alicante-Elche Airport V2 is an updated version of the original Alicante Airport by HappyPizza64. It was originally built with Beno Building Creator, but was heavily modified to the point that it looks more like a custom building, with custom signs and modifying the elevators to have dual-speed and single-direction elevators. There are a total of 24 elevators in the airport complex.
Parking Decks
- 0 - Ground Floor and Parking
- 1-5 - Parking (footbridge to Airport on floor 4)
Main Airport
Arrivals Area
- -2 - Transport
- 0 - Ground Floor / Arrivals
- 1 - Mezzanine and Footbridge to Parking
- 2 - Departures
Departures Area
- 0 - Baggage Claim
- 1 - Arrivals
- 2 - Departures