Ssv - Central Railway Station P-Garage

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The Central Station Parking Garage is a parking garage that consists 3 parts found near the Skyscraperville central station created by Lighthouse Friesland. It has a total of 9 elevators.


West Parking

  • -1 - Underground Parking
  • 0 - Ground Floor and Parking
  • 1-4 - Parking (Floor 4 is the access to roof)

Central Parking

  • -1 - Underground Parking
  • 0 - Ground Floor and Exit

East Parking

  • 0 - Ground Floor and Parking
  • 1-2 - Parking
  • 3 - Express Zone
  • 4 - Parking and Access to Roof
  • 5 - Roof

Color Coding Scheme

  • -1 - Pink
  • 0 - Yellow
  • 1 - Magenta
  • 2 - Brown
  • 3 - Beige
  • 4 - Green
  • 5 - Orange

See also