Guy's Hospital

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It contains good-faith information, such as an existing building or content.

Guy's Hospital is a hospital that was created by Beno. It is based off of a hospital with the same name in London, UK.

Floor assignments

Cite error: Invalid <ref> tag; refs with no name must have content===Tower===

  • B - Service area
  • G - Lobby
  • 1-5 - Lower hospital
  • 6 - Service
  • 7-18 - Lower hospital
  • 19-19M - Lower mechanical
  • 20-29 - Upper hospital
30 - Observation deck
  • 31-32 - Upper mechanical
  • R - Roof

Borough Wing

  • B - Underground departments/clinics
  • G - Lobby
  • 1-9 - Hospital levels
  • 10 - Roof

Thyssen Wing

  • B - Service/hospital departments
  • G - Lobby
  • 1-5 - Hospital levels
  • 6 - Roof (with a small service area)

See also

External links

index.php?title=Category:Beno's buildings index.php?title=Category:Non-fictional buildings index.php?title=Category:Hospitals