Skyscraper Random Object Creator

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Skyscraper Random Object Creator (SROC) is a function allowing users to add many different objects such as trees and door trims to their building. Adding an object using SROC requires the user to place in <Include SROC/Scripts/r1_script.txt> near the beginning of their building scripts.

Steps[edit | edit source]

Adding Trees[edit | edit source]

NOTE: Trees made using SROC are generically represented and not detailed 3D models due to requiring several hundred and likely thousands of polygons and thereby using lots of resources.

  • The syntax used is AddTree(texture, x, z, width, height, offset), where:
  1. texture: tree texture
  2. x: center x value of the tree
  3. z: center z value of the tree
  4. width: width of the tree
  5. height: height of the tree
  6. offset: starting altitude of tree

Default textures used are sroc_tree1 (represents a large maple tree with a 3/4* ratio) and sroc_blank (a clear and transparent texture)

Adding Door Trims[edit | edit source]

Door trims can be added to any building with a single function/ The syntax used is:

  • AddTrim(type, direction, showmainside, showbackside, texture, depth, x, z, width, height, offset, borderwidth, number*)
  • AddAutoSizeTrim(type, direction, showmainside, showbackside, texture, depth, x, z, width, height, offset, borderwidth, number*)
  1. type: determines the type of door trim, 1 for standard doors, 2 for windows, Stair1 for stairwell doors
  2. direction: determines the direction the main side faces, should be consistant with the corresponding wall's orientation (front corresponding to left and back to right); can be left, right, front, back, centerx, or centerz)
  3. texture: door trim texture
  4. showmainside: tells whether to create trim on the main side (or the side specified in the direction parameter)
  5. showbackside: tells whether to create trim on the back side (or the side opposite to the main side)
  6. depth: depth of the trim opening, should be consistent with the wall's thickness or distance between elevator doors and the main wall
  7. x: center x (for elevator door trim, center x of shaft)
  8. z: center z (for elevator door trim, center z of shaft)
  9. width: width of trim opening (not including extra width from trim thickness)
  10. height: height of trim opening (not including extra height from trim thickness)
  11. offset: starting altitude of trim
  12. borderthickness: thickness of trim
  13. number: this parameter specifies the shaft/stairwell number (for door trim inside stairwells or elevatorshafts)

The default textures used are:

  1. sroc_brass1 - shiny brass
  2. sroc_brass2 - dull brass
  3. sroc_brass3 - brass, medium luster, lower saturation
  4. sroc_stainlesssteel1 - shiny stainless steel
  5. sroc_stainlesssteel2 - dark stainless steel
  6. sroc_stainlesssteel3 - stainless steel, medium luster and brightness
  7. sroc_blank - clear, transparent
  8. sroc_blacktrim - standard black door/window trim

See also[edit | edit source]