The Pulse Mall

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The Pulse Mall is a 9-floor mall created by Marb1. It has a total of 9 elevators.

The brands are:
3 Otis Gen2, 3 Kone EcoDisc, 1 Otis Series 1 and 2 modern ThyssenKrupp.

Exterior of The Pulse Mall

Floor assignments[edit | edit source]

Main Block[edit | edit source]

  • 0 - Ground Floor and Lower Mall
  • 1 - Middle Mall
  • 2 - Upper Mall
  • 3-9 - Upper Levels (Possibly offices)

Bridge[edit | edit source]

  • -3 to -1 - Parking
  • 0 - Ground Floor and Lower Mall
  • 1 - Middle Mall
  • 2 - Upper Mall

Second block[edit | edit source]

  • 0 - Ground Floor and Lower Mall
  • 1 - Middle Mall
  • 2 - Upper Mall
  • 3-6 - Upper Levels (Possibly offices)

See also[edit | edit source]