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It contains good-faith information, such as an existing building or content.

Centerville (Abbreviation: Ctv) is a fictional city by joao84704.

Information[edit | edit source]

  • Population: ~640,000 people
  • IDH: 0.907
  • Main Buildings: Centre Plaza, Entranha Plaza, Sexta Plaza and all the Four Towers (Central, Astral, Extro and Macro Towers)
  • Economy: ~US$ 42,340,000,000

Buildings[edit | edit source]

Original Buildings (by joao84704)[edit | edit source]

by others[edit | edit source]

Building Name Creator Status
Centerville Main Hospital Lighthouse Friesland Completed

Centerville Transport[edit | edit source]

Companhia da Rede Ferroviária de Centerville * (CORFECE)[edit | edit source]

Main Services[edit | edit source]

  • Cen-Centerville - Sumbra (1040 km) 7 stations (Eastbound)
  • Cen-Centerville - Pontilía (607 km) 5 stations (Westbound)
  • Cen-Centerville - Ponta Mar (2040 km) 14 stations (Southbound)

Commuter Services[edit | edit source]

  • Marí Line - Cen-Centervíle - Marí (57 km) 23 stations (Northwestbound)
  • Prato Line - Dráz - Prato (61 km) 18 stations (Southbound - Parallel with South Intercity)
  • Briso Line - Dráz - Briso (38 km) 21 stations (Southeastbound)
  • Greade Line - Cen-Centerville - Greade (71 km) 31 stations (Westbound - Parallel with West Intercity)
  • Membra Line - Cen-Centerville - Membra (63 km) 29 stations (Eastbound - Parallel with East Intercity)

See also[edit | edit source]