Version History

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Skyscraper Version History

1.0 Series (written in Visual Basic 6)


12/27/02 - Skyscraper 0.2 (Alpha), source only, TrueVision 3D 5 engine

12/31/02 - Skyscraper 0.3 (source only, new TrueVision 3D 6 engine)

1/1/03 - Skyscraper 0.4 (source only)

1/11/03 - Skyscraper 0.5

1/20/03 - Skyscraper 0.6

2/6/03 - Skyscraper 0.7

2/19/03 - Skyscraper 0.8

3/17/03 - Skyscraper 0.9 (Beta)

3/30/03 - Skyscraper 0.91

4/27/03 - Skyscraper 0.92

7/25/03 - Skyscraper 0.93

10/13/03 - Skyscraper 0.94

1/2/04 - Skyscraper 0.95

3/26/04 - Skyscraper 0.95b

5/4/04 - Skyscraper 0.96

             Skyscraper 0.97 renamed Skyscraper 1.1 Alpha, aims for a 2.0 release

7/21/04 - Skyscraper 1.0

9/26/04 - Skyscraper 1.0b


Between this is Visual Basic versions of Skyscraper 1.1, the C++ version was started in June 2005 and simultaneous versions of VB and C++ were released until the VB version was discontinued in mid 2006.  The simulator became relatively stable in 2008 and the focus was put on the Triton Center, the sim was released when the Triton Center was completed.


2.0 Series (written in C++)


1/6/09 - Skyscraper 2.0 Alpha 1 (initial release of 1.1 Alpha, mainly focusing on the Triton Center), uses the Crystal Space 3D 1.2 engine

1/10/09 - Skyscraper 2.0 Alpha 2 (basically an Update 1 for Alpha 1, it's a ground fix)

3/29/09 - Skyscraper 2.0 Alpha 3 (sound support added)

6/19/09 - Skyscraper 2.0 Alpha 4 (script backwards compatibility starts around at this time)

6/20/09 - Skyscraper 2.0 Alpha 4.1 (bugfix, basically an Update 1)

10/24/09 - Skyscraper 2.0 Alpha 5

3/11/10 - Skyscraper 2.0 Alpha 6 (uses the Crystal Space 3D 1.4 engine)

9/19/10 - Skyscraper 2.0 Alpha 7 (last CS engine release)

              10/18/10 - Alpha 7 Patch 1 (this was before the Update subreleases)

              11/13/10 - Triton Center texture pack, replacing the wooden doors one with the modern metal doors

              For the CS development versions of Alpha 8, Alpha 7 and earlier used the CS Thingmesh system for 3D geometry,

              Alpha 8 switched over to my own system called Polymesh which was made specifically for Skyscraper.

              Skyscraper was ported over to the Ogre engine in mostly late 2010 and early 2011.

3/1/13 - Skyscraper 2.0 Alpha 8 (first Ogre engine release)

3/4/15 - Skyscraper 2.0 Alpha 9

        3/31/15 - Alpha 9 Update 1

        4/16/15 - Alpha 9 Update 2

12/19/16 - Skyscraper 2.0 Alpha 10 (main feature is Engine Contexts aka multiple sim engines)

        12/28/16 - Alpha 10 Update 1

        12/31/16 - Alpha 10 Update 2

        1/5/17 - Alpha 10 Update 3

        1/7/17 - Alpha 10 Update 4

        2/1/17 - Alpha 10 Update 5

        2/1/17 - Alpha 10 Update 6

3/10/23 - Skyscraper 2.0 Alpha 11

        3/19/23 - Alpha 11 Update 1

        4/13/23 - Alpha 11 Update 2

The Crystal Space engine was dropped in favor of Ogre (which took a ton of work to port the sim over to that), this was done because Ogre had better features and supported things like the Caelum sky system.  Interestingly enough Crystal Space development stopped not that long after (after they put out a 2.0 release), and the engine is now discontinued, Ogre is still being developed.