Skyscrapersim 2.0 Alpha 4

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Current Development Builds by Version (Update)
Versions: Alpha 1, Alpha 2, Alpha 3, Alpha 4, Alpha 4.1, Alpha 5, Alpha 6, Alpha 7, Alpha 8, Alpha 9 (Update 1 / Update 2)
Alpha 10 (Update 1 / Update 2 / Update 3 / Update 4 / Update 5 / Update 6), Alpha 11 (Update 1 / Update 2), Alpha 12, Beta

Skyscrapersim 2.0 Alpha 4 / Skyscraper 1.4 was the fourth release of the 2.0 releases. It was released in 19 June of 2009. This version has 13 Development Builds. This version has 1 minor update which was a bug fix (4.1).

Builds[edit | edit source]

  1. April 3 2009 build
  2. April 14 2009 build
  3. April 24 2009 build
  4. April 30 2009 build
  5. May 7 2009 build
  6. May 10 2009 build
  7. May 14 2009 build
  8. May 21 2009 build
  9. May 23 2009 build
  10. May 31 2009 build
  11. June 5 2009 build
  12. June 10 2009 build
  13. June 11 2009 build

Changelog[edit | edit source]

  1. added syntax checking and error notification to the script processor
  2. fixed an old bug that could crash the sim if the floor ID matched a non-existent texture
  3. added support (and FloorSkipText parameter) for showing express zone indicators during floor skips
  4. added ACP, Up Peak, Down Peak, Independent Service, Inspection Service, and Fire Service phases 1 and 2 modes to elevators (not all work yet)
  5. remade manual/emergency door open/close methods
  6. added door stop function for doors in manual/emergency mode
  7. elevator doors no longer open during an emergency stop (except for a manual open)
  8. manual opens during an emergency stop will only open the elevator car doors
  9. fixed a crash that involved trying to open shaft doors on a non-serviced floor
  10. added shaft tops to the Triton Center and Simple elevator shafts
  11. lots of memory leak fixes
  12. simulator now pauses when main window is minimized
  13. Sears Tower skydeck elevator crash fixed
  14. performance enhancements
  15. call selection fix
  16. half of express elevators in both the Triton Center and Sears Tower buildings are now stationed at the top
  17. fixed ShowFullShaft command
  18. added support for elevator directional indicators
  19. added alarm sounds
  20. added support for multiple elevator doors
  21. added support for specifying shaft doors on a per-floor basis
  22. added AddFloorSigns command that creates floor signs on all floors served by an elevator
  23. numerous Triton Center fixes
  24. split Triton Center topside mechanical into 2 floors, added stairs to the roof, and did roof/penthouse work
  25. moved Triton Center's skydeck entrance to LL1
  26. Triton Center's pool express elevator now only serves lobbies instead of upper residential floors in addition to lobbies
  27. fontserver fix
  28. added wireframe mode and screenshot keys
  29. and lots more

Other Versions[edit | edit source]

  • Before: Alpha 3
  • After: Alpha 4.1 / Alpha 5