Skyscrapersim 2.0 Alpha 9 Update 1

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Current Development Builds by Version (Update)
Versions: Alpha 1, Alpha 2, Alpha 3, Alpha 4, Alpha 4.1, Alpha 5, Alpha 6, Alpha 7, Alpha 8, Alpha 9 (Update 1 / Update 2)
Alpha 10 (Update 1 / Update 2 / Update 3 / Update 4 / Update 5 / Update 6), Alpha 11 (Update 1 / Update 2), Alpha 12, Beta

Skyscrapersim 2.0 Alpha 9 Update 1 / 1.9.1 was the 11th release of the 2.0 releases. It was released on March 31, 2015.

Changelog[edit | edit source]

  1. play elevator door open/close and message sounds on reversal
  2. change to Go function in rev 3171 broke FloorHold feature; relocated code to fix
  3. added more breaks and other cleanups
  4. cleanups to elevator functions involving door lookups
  5. prevent nudge mode from enabling if elevator doors were manually moved and stopped
  6. elevator door open buttons now can be held down to hold doors and released to reset door timer
  7. in DoorExists function, can't mix GetDoor and array (this was causing the DoorExists function to potentially malfunction)
  8. reordered section information area in script interpreter for the other changes to be made possible
  9. user variables now work in section lines such as "<Floors>", due to code reordering
  10. removed unneeded fire phase 1 check in call button code
  11. reordered call availability code, to properly report service and nudge modes
  12. overhauled nudge mode to enable timer when the situation allows it
  13. if mesh physics is enabled, use a box collider by default
  14. if model physics is enabled, mesh code should not try to load collider model
  15. (Bullet) position update is no longer needed in penetration recovery function, and causes issues
  16. (Bullet) turn off contact normal direction fix, which inverts some polygon normals incorrectly
  17. (Bullet) fixed penetration recovery by running it in the forward movement function, right after the setting of the original position, to prevent interference with stairs
  18. have call availability check properly report busy if doors are held, instead of for other reason
  19. elevator doors can now report their hold status
  20. added more "Invalid Door" errors to nudge and sensor functions
  21. reworked door sensor code to split into separate persistent enabled/disabled state, and temporary activated/deactivated state
  22. changed Alarm button in elevator editor to Hold Doors
  23. elevator door sensor and nudge functions now properly select door object
  24. NewElevator and NewFloor functions should use GetFloor function instead of their own check, for performance
  25. some functions in Shaft and Stairwell code weren't checking validity of floors
  26. in Calc function, lowered precedence of subtraction operator due to order conflicts with other operators
  27. cut function should flip coordinates if out of order
  28. F6 key would cause a crash if current camera floor was invalid (mainly in empty buildings)
  29. elevator sensor status is now only shown after startup or in verbose mode
  30. car idle, motor idle and music sounds now load sounds on first run if not loaded yet, instead of in CreateElevator function
  31. added motor idle sound code, which was started in rev 1603 but never finished
  32. don't try to create wall/floor sides and top if thickness is 0
  33. cleaned up wall/floor function return codes and some legacy stuff
  34. added checks to AddWallMain and AddFloorMain functions to print an error if coordinates are invalid
  35. added a zero normal check to the texture mapper
  36. planar mapper should be computing normal based on full polygon, not just first three vertices. This fixes some texture mapping errors
  37. reverted behavior change to ShaftShowOutside command from revision 3194
  38. make sure that floors grouped with the current camera floor are not switched off as part of the shaft and stairwell ShowFloors code
  39. (C++) SplitData function now verifies length of string properly
  40. reverted and remade the fix to prevent crashes if no parameters are specified for certain commands
  41. moved the missing file report to after the raising of the main window, to prevent it from being hidden on startup
  42. in Calc function, handle a calculation error as a silent error instead of ignoring it, to prevent infinite loops
  43. fixed an issue where clicks on call button panels would trigger a down call
  44. reworked elevator call availability code, to return busy or an error, to prevent call buttons from looping if all elevators won't service the call
  45. fixed an issue where DeleteRoute would report even if a route is not deleted
  46. in the Reload code, since the Load function can unload the simulator if it encounters an error, exit to the main menu if this happens to prevent a crash
  47. ensure that the Reload flag is turned off after a reload, which prevents future startup issues
  48. system meshes should be created on engine startup, not separately in script interpreter. This fixes startup crashes that happen if no valid data is in the script file
  49. door resets now report in verbose mode
  50. (C++) renamed ResetDoorTimer functions to Reset and ResetDoors
  51. sensors will only enable if using automatic doors (AutoDoors is true)
  52. added a new action "sensorreset" as part of previous fix
  53. fixed issue where door sensors would reset door holds. Door hold and reset functions now disable and re-enable sensors, and leave the sensor alone if the sensor is calling those functions.
  54. in Calc function, allow decimal numbers without 0's at start
  55. fixed a click position offset in Freelook mode on Mac, and also did minor cleanups to the related code
  56. reworked the floor indicator code, consolidating and separating it properly
  57. elevator indicators should be enabled/disabled along with the elevator
  58. floor and directional indicators can now be deleted by ctrl-alt-click
  59. fixed mesh name of floor indicators
  60. minor code cleanups
  61. fixed an issue where all related elevator shaft doors would respond to door bumper code, instead of just the elevator's floor. Also cleaned up the code.
  62. added missing dbghelp.dll file (Windows packaging)
  63. F2 key now prints more detailed render statistics
  64. fixed length of floating point output in ToString functions, for Visual C++
  65. don't treat textures in ChangeTexture function as filenames, just material names - this fixes a lot of performance problems
  66. (Triton Center) Hotel wall positioning fixes
  67. for call buttons, if all associated elevators are in a service mode, don't continue to search for more elevators; reset the call button instead
  68. fixed last report line from elevator's DumpQueues and DumpServicedFloors functions
  69. fixed an issue where floors listed in the ShowFloors or ShowOutside lists would be switched off when stopping and continuing at a floor
  70. fixed a crash that would occur if the Move button was pressed in the Object Manager if no selection was made