Skyscrapersim 2.0 Alpha 5

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Current Development Builds by Version (Update)
Versions: Alpha 1, Alpha 2, Alpha 3, Alpha 4, Alpha 4.1, Alpha 5, Alpha 6, Alpha 7, Alpha 8, Alpha 9 (Update 1 / Update 2)
Alpha 10 (Update 1 / Update 2 / Update 3 / Update 4 / Update 5 / Update 6), Alpha 11 (Update 1 / Update 2), Alpha 12, Beta

Skyscrapersim 2.0 Alpha 5 / Skyscraper 1.5 was the sixth release of the 2.0 releases. It was released at 24 October 2009. It had 19 builds.

Builds[edit | edit source]

  1. June 27 2009 build
  2. July 9 2009 build
  3. July 16 2009 build
  4. July 18 2009 build
  5. July 26 2009 build
  6. July 27 2009 build
  7. July 29 2009 build
  8. July 30 2009 build
  9. August 8 2009 build
  10. August 14 2009 build
  11. August 22 2009 build
  12. August 27 2009 build
  13. September 9 2009 build
  14. September 12 2009 build
  15. September 21 2009 build
  16. September 25 2009 build
  17. September 30 2009 build
  18. October 12 2009 build
  19. October 15 2009 build

Changelog[edit | edit source]

  1. clicking on shaft doors and elevator doors while holding down shift now causes them to manually open/close
  2. manually opening shaft doors causes the related floor to turn on if user is in a shaft or an elevator
  3. added new buildings
  4. added support for multiple floor indicators per elevator
  5. floors can now have floor indicators
  6. added support for elevator floor beeps
  7. added support for separate up/down chimes
  8. added support for per-door textures on elevator/shaft doors
  9. added elevator door collision sensors
  10. added last collision indicator to control panel
  11. added support for call button lighting
  12. major fixes to the elevator queue and call processing
  13. fixes to some elevator parameters, where they would error out if used in a different block than the CreateElevator command
  14. sound support is now optional and will switch off automatically if not available
  15. some new script checks for valid floor ranges
  16. added basic glass elevators to the Glass Tower
  17. simultaneous door movements are now supported
  18. call button monitor added, to realistically wait for an available elevator during a call
  19. call button light status can now be changed by shift-clicking the button
  20. elevator panel buttons now support position offsets
  21. fixed manual sizing parameters of the panel buttons
  22. added support for mounting zipfiles into virtual directories
  23. added the ability to spin the camera (Z-axis rotation)
  24. startup screen now works on Linux and Mac
  25. added mouse look (freelook) mode, activated by F5
  26. new Camera Control window
  27. split chimes sounds into up and down versions
  28. added support for writing text onto a texture with the AddText command
  29. fixed a memory leak involving floor beeps
  30. added support for texture name prefixes, used with floor indicators and signs
  31. added support for cropping and overlaying textures with the LoadCropped and AddOverlay commands
  32. added configuration file support
  33. added support for zooming in and out (FOV angles)
  34. added support for starting up without the control panel
  35. added fullscreen support, activated by F10
  36. fixed an issue where walls along the Z axis would have the side negative and positives switched
  37. height element can now be chosen from the script's object parameters
  38. added parking ramps to the Triton Center
  39. added AddFloorAutoArea command, which enables and disables floors within a specified area
  40. fixed texture flipping
  41. removed ReverseExtents command (was broken since early 2007)
  42. added SetTextureMapping and ResetTextureMapping commands (replaces ReverseExtents) to allow manual setting of UV texture coordinate data
  43. added AddFillerWalls command which is a convenience function used in creating doors
  44. added hotel rooms to the Triton Center
  45. added control reference (for keyboard commands, etc) to the control panel

Other Versions[edit | edit source]

  • Before: Alpha 4 / 4.1
  • After: Alpha 6